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What Sex Addiction Recovery is Really Like

People struggling with sexual addictions often experience a considerable degree of guilt or shame over their behaviors. The idea of actually talking about it with someone or bringing it out in the open can seem mortifying to say the least.

Not unlike most every type of addiction, the thoughts, emotions and behaviors that drive this lifestyle entrap a person to the point where reaching out for help seems ridiculous and unnecessary. In the case of sex addiction, getting needed help can seem even more uncalled for considering sex, in and of itself, is a natural part of everyday life.

addicted to sex

Therapy and counseling can help you overcome a sexual addiction.

Sex addiction recovery offers addicts the tools and supports needed to regain control and take back their lives from sexual obsessions. Part of this process entails distancing oneself from the activity altogether, also known as “detoxing.” From there, sex addiction recovery programs help a person get to the root of the problem by working through the underlying issues that drive the addiction.

Process Addictions vs. Substance-Based Addictions

While most people think of addiction as being drug or alcohol related, activities, such as gambling, shopping and internet browsing can develop into addictions as well. In the absence of a substance, the process becomes the addictive element, according to the National Institutes of Health.

Addictions take root within the brain’s chemical workings, whether triggered by a substance or an activity. In effect, neurotransmitter secretions in the brain set off the addictive cycle. In turn, this cycle triggers and feeds the mental and emotional attachments to the activity or substance.

With substance-based addictions, the substance sets off brain chemical processes. With process-based addictions, engaging in a particular activity sets off brain chemical processes in the same way. Sexual addiction recovery programs help addicts deconstruct the mental and emotional components that drive sexual addiction.

Learning to Distinguish Between Unhealthy vs. Healthy Sexual Behaviors

Much like food and water, sexual behavior becomes a somewhat necessary, but nonetheless normal part of a person’s life. According to the U. S. National Library of Medicine, sexual addiction recovery programs help addicts learn to distinguish between unhealthy versus healthy sexual behaviors.

The loss of control that characterizes sexual addiction and addiction in general warrants a detox period. The detox stage enables addicts to break addiction’s physical hold over their lives.

Ongoing work in recovery deals with the psychological aspect of addiction in terms of the need sex addiction fills in a person’s life. During this time, addicts learn to identify and understand the mental and emotional issues that drive compulsive sexual behaviors.

Treatment Approaches

Sexual addiction treatment approaches can vary depending on the severity of a person’s condition. While most addicts do require a detox period, some people may require inpatient care afterwards while others may only require outpatient treatment.

Inpatient care entails living at the facility and participating in ongoing therapy and group meetings for the duration of the program. With outpatient treatment, a person can live at home and carry out daily responsibilities while attending scheduled treatment sessions from week to week.

Both inpatient and outpatient treatment provide individual psychotherapy, group therapy, addiction education and 12-Step support group work. Regardless of which type of care a person decides on, getting the level or intensity of treatment a person needs is most important.