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Recovery from Addiction Begins with Saying Yes to Treatment

People begin using drugs or alcohol to feel good or to feel better, to avoid or reduce unwanted emotions or pain, or simply because others are doing it and while there are certainly some positive reinforcement effects of taking drugs such as pleasure and relaxation, there are also many negative reinforcement factors that keep an addiction going.

Recovery from addiction begins with saying yes to treatment where motivations to change can go beyond any perceived notions of needing drugs or alcohol for survival and where even the most highly willed individuals may continue to use years after contemplating or attempting to quit.

We can help you find the treatment you need to recover from addiction. Call 800-895-1695 toll free today.

Contemplating Changes

In the contemplation stage of addiction, the person begins to compare the positive aspects of change to the negative aspects of addiction and it can take a long time before they begin to experiment with reducing or stopping their use. They can go back and forth between wanting to change and not wanting to change as they experience the effects of withdrawals and particularly challenging situations that can lead to relapse months after terminating use. As a result, the person may become less motivated to take these steps again for fear of failure in the future.

Motivations to Change

addiction recovery

Recovery is possible, and treatment is an important first step on the road to get there.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, “Motivation can be understood not as something that one has but rather as something one does.” Addiction involves more than uncontrollable use and altered behaviors, emotions, and judgments. It causes the brain to recognize cues that can trigger a relapse just by thinking about using or past behaviors of use. Treatment helps to address these issues by encouraging motivations and providing the essential tools and services the person needs to cope with them as they arise.

Call 800-895-1695 toll free to take that step and find help today.

Taking Action

Recovery from addiction begins with saying yes to treatment where a clinician can assist and encourage the person to recognize problematic behaviors, make positive changes in their best interest, feel confident in their changes, and develop coping skills and strategies that discourages any returns to use.

Even the best of changes can be difficult and a person who is addicted will, typically, find all manners of excuses or reasons to continuing using, but, as a chronic, relapsing brain disease, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, addiction can be managed successfully, “Similar to other chronic, relapsing diseases, such as diabetes, asthma, or heart disease.”